Via Dolorosa - Crossroads meditations by Marie Tonkin

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The tradition of walking along the fourteen stations along the Via Dolorosa originates from a medieval tradition, and hardly anyone who has visited Jerusalem has been able to escape the groups of pilgrims who daily follow this route from the place where Pontius Pilate's residence was located up against the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. A low-key form of devotion, especially for Lent, especially Good Friday, but which many return to throughout the year.

In Marie Tonkin's newly written condensed texts, a God with "a body as real as ours" is laid bare. Nothing can open our eyes like the events of the passion story to the realism of God's absolute identification with all imaginable deprivation. The wordless meditations in this beautiful writing are striking: Jesus' Way of the Cross is about ourselves and our tormented world.